

 Începem la timp (editorial)......................1 Marian NENCESCU: Academicianul-profesor Alexandru Surdu a plecat în lumina Gândului deplin.......................................2
 Viorella MANOLACHE: "Come back, Michel Foucault - we need you!"... but wear a mask!....5
Ger GROOT: Caesar Salad - or: are frontiers really necessary?..........................................16
Dragoș DRAGOMAN: Europa și islamul. Conflict și conviețuire în jurul Mediteranei................27 
Marian NENCESCU: File dintr-o epopee identitară: "De neamul marmațienilor"... ...... 38 Cristina VOHN: "Recompunerile lui Proteu. Gheorghe (George) Manolache" ................... 44 Mihaela ALBU: Exilul - o temă recurentă în preocupările criticului literar Ștefan Ion Ghilimescu................................................. 48 Liliana DANCIU: Un basm bănățean cu strigoi, în dublă cheie de lectură ..............................53 Mihai POSADA: Menuț Maximinian : critic și poet........................................................... 67 Savu POPA: Imaginea mistică a devenirii în poemul "Nouă variațiuni pentru orgă" de Nichita Danilov...........................................72  Petru Adrian DANCIU: Nefârtatul, erou al catabasisului............................................... 85 Mircea BĂDUȚ: Legile lui Asimov - norme metodologice ..............................................97

Începem la timp

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 1

Academicianul-profesor Alexandru Surdu a plecat în lumina Gândului deplin

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 2-4

Title: Academician-professor Alexandru Surdu has gone into the light of Divine Thought

December 11, 2020 turned out to be a bad day. The heart of the academic-professor Alexandru Surdu stopped beating, just a few months before his 83rd birthday (he was born in Brasov, on February 24, 1938). He was, certainly, the most important Romanian philosopher of our time.
Keywords: philosophy; system; tribute; culture; journalism; 

"«Come back, Michel Foucault - we need you!»... but wear a mask!" 

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 5-15

Title: "«Come back, Michel Foucault - we need you!»... but wear a mask!"
Abstract: The present article approaches Bernard-Henri Lévy's method, that of emitting a set of reflections, organized in the manner of a text-gesture, a mechanism analyzed including the way in which Bernard-Henri Lévy reports in Ce virus qui rend fou (Bernard Grasset Publishing House, Paris, 2020)/The Virus in the Age of Madness (Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2020) to Michel Foucault. In the reflection dedicated to "Foucault journalist", Bernard-Henri Lévy wonders regarding "what Michel Foucault is saying", starting from the finding - without a doubt - that "there are more Foucaults". In the context of the volumes dedicated to the virus, Lévy appeals to Foucault 1, the one present in the very title of the introductory chapter of the first edition - Ce virus qui rend fou - a Foucault directly invoked, drawn-imperatively-into-debate, whose ideational substance underlies Lévy's reflective equation; and a Foucault 2, that of The Virus in the Age of Madness, whose reference is doubled by the plus-meaning conferred by the statement "we need you!".
Keywords: Bernard-Henri Lévy; Michel Foucault; Virus; Medical Crisis; Political Philosophy;

Caesar Salad - or: are frontiers really necessary?

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 16-26

Abstract: In the beginning of his play, - Julius Caesar - Shakespeare shows how certain aristocrats, who still honoured - the stern morals of the Republic, had second thoughts about Caesar's political triumph. Nevertheless, compared to the enthusiasm of the people, their authority did not amount to much anymore. We will have a closer look at this scene, as in this essay I will discuss on Julius Caesar in his various appearances, not only to shed light on the problem of borders, limits, frontiers or boundaries (Grenze in German) in their various aspects, but also to make this problematic visible in scenes that apparently have nothing to do with philosophy.
Keywords: analyze; authority; order; delimitation; rules; philosophy; politics; 

Europa și islamul. Conflict și conviețuire în jurul Mediteranei  

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 27-37

Title: "Europe and Islam: Conflict and cooperation on the Mediterranean shores"

Abstract: The history of Europe in relationship with Islam is marked by a long-lasting misunderstanding. There are not only the stereotypes and prejudices that currently affect the image of Islam in the Western world, encompassing clichés pertaining to violence, political instability, terrorism and religious intolerance. There is a wide range of historical prejudices against the Islamic religion itself, affecting the acceptance of its doctrine and practice as normal religious belief and helping integrating it in the range of common practices and beliefs. On the one hand, the new religion has been from the begging emphasized as heretical, and therefore has been treated in the logic of the crusade. On the other hand, later on, with the rise of the European industrial capitalism and colonialism, the Orient has been transformed by orientalism in a remote place of bizarre or exotic flavor. Both misunderstandings have to be overpassed in order to emphasize effective cohesion and cooperation.
Keywords: Islam; European history; Orientalism; Oriental civilization;

File dintr-o epopee identitară: „De neamul marmațienilor”  

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 38-43

Title: "Pages from an identity epic: The Marmatians"

Abstract: The Order of the Marmatian Knights is for professor and academician Alexandru Surdu not only a pretext for philosophical meditation, but also a book of origins. Speaking of the Marmatians, the wonderful people and places of the North of the country: Oaş, Maramures and Bucovina, the author feels more than the emotion of the man "from the center of the country, superficial connoisseur of the border area", inevitably having on this subject also a philosophical perspective.
Keywords: monograph; origins; Marmatia; knights; meditations;

„Recompunerile lui Proteu. Gheorghe (George) Manolache” 

Cristina VOHN
Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 44-47

Title: "Proteus's recompositions. Gheorghe (George) Manolache"

Abstract: This book is a manifestation of respect and gratitude towards the teacher and man of culture Gheorghe I. Manolache - testifies about the existence of Romanian cultural personalities who keep Romanian culture connected to the universal culture and who contribute to the development of cultural currents in the Romanian space for the major benefit of Romanian culture.
Keywords: book; gratitude; writer; teacher; photos;

Exilul - o temă recurentă în preocupările criticului literar Ștefan Ion Ghilimescu 

Mihaela ALBU
Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 48-52

Title: "The exile - a recurrent theme in the concerns of the literary critic Ștefan Ion Ghilimescu"

Abstract. The literature of the exile is a main topic in Stefan Ion Ghilimescu's books, such as Dinastia de cărturari a Ciorăneștilor (co-author Mihai Gabriel Popescu), 2000; România exilată.George & Alexandru Ciorănescu, 2008; Timpul și oglinda. Contribuții ciorănesciene, 2019 or even in other composite volumes: Vederi și atitudini critice, 2013; Ochiul lentilei, 2017. First of all, in our paper we put into evidence that many of Ghilimescu's studies highlight the Romanian literature forbidden by the communist regime, because he makes known important writers who lived and create far from their native country. Secondly, we make the point that, unfortunately, Ghilimescu and other literary historians, individually, replace official institutions (such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, the Romanian Writers' Union etc.), disinterested in rehabilitating the unity of the two literatures.
Keywords: Romanian literature; exile; communist regime; Ștefan Ion Ghilimescu;

Un basm bănățean cu strigoi, în dublă cheie de lectură 

Liliana DANCIU
Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 53-66

Title: "A Banat fairy tale with undead in a double reading key"

Abstract: In this article, I have in mind a fairy tale from Banat with a "feminine" undead, "The Empress's Girl Strag", which I will analyze from the perspective of a double key interpretation: esoteric, fantastic and socio-anthropological, feminist. In this extremely short fairy tale, told by the storyteller in a laconic and alert formula, it tells the story of an emperor's daughter who dies and turns into an undead. The absence of information regarding the cause of the transformation implies the obligation of an esoteric knowledge from the reader / listener to whom the narrator addresses. On the other hand, this aspect can suggest its lack of interest in this part and directing the listener's attention to the proposed magical solution and the implicit "moral".
Keywords: ethnology; folklore; superstitions; woman; supernatural beings; 

Menuț Maximinian : critic și poet  

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 67-71

Title: "Menuț Maximinian : critic and poet"

Abstract: As a poet and literary critic, Maximinian Menuț combines in the volumes Crucea nopții [Cross of the Night] (poems, 2018) and Puterea secretă a cărților [The Secret Power of Books] (literary chronicles, 2020), the art of the word with the love of ethnography, making vibrate both the nostalgic chord of memory and the Malaysian and North American exotism transformed into poetry. In the volume of literary chronicles, the same appetite of the ethnographer for the cultural history of his nation sublimates, through the filter of the experience of the journalist and the professional reader, in a book of homage to Romanian culture.
Keywords: poems; culture; critical essay; art of the written word;

Imaginea mistică a devenirii în poemul "Nouă variațiuni pentru orgă" de Nichita Danilov  

Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 72-84

Title: "The Mystical Image of Becoming in The Poem «Nine Variations for Organ» by Nichita Danilov"

Abstract: In Nichita Danilov's poem, there is a gap between essence and appearance, generated by the writing of a profane scripture, in which the reality is deciphered in two parts: the reality of surface and the reality of depth. Those two parts consist primarily on the ability of creating, in both dimensions mentioned, areas or dramatic situations by using a parabolic vision of existence. Characters like Ferapont, Kiril, Lazăr, Daniel, the Other Kiril or the Other Lazarus are involved, each of them, in the writing process of the same Psalter. This kind of activity tends to integrate them into an universe of a deep symbols, which give meaning and significance to everyone's existence. The concrete reality of the fountain tends to be replaced by the reality of depth, which is inside the fountain and becomes a space of the inaccessible parts of the reality. Therefore, the characters have no choice but to continue the act of writing in this psalter of nothingness that, nevertheless, will engage them in a sisyphean effort, in which their own identities tend to be denied.
Keyword: Ferapont; image of depth; Psalter; sisyphean; effort;

Nefârtatul, erou al catabasisului  

Petru Adrian DANCIU
Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 85-96

Title: "The unbrother, hero of katabasis"

Abstract: The article presents a revised vision on the origin of the Romanian cosmogonic myth. Brother and Unbrother are the common builders of the earth in a relationship not only of competition but also of initiation. We will propose the idea of ​​an initiation rite whose staged structure turns into a myth. Its origin refers to a moderate, Judeo-Gnostic dualism, which survived the persecutions of the first centuries in the Balkan area, from where it was taken over by Bogomilism. His reflection in fairy tales is clear, even if, until now, unexplored. As a result, this construct willprofoundly influence the Romanian magical-popular belief.
Keywords:demonology; folklore; unbrother; brother; magic; sorcery; esotericism;

Legile lui Asimov - norme metodologice  

Mircea BĂDUȚ
Eon, 1 (1), 2020, 97-102

Title: "Asimov's Laws - methodological norms"

Abstract: The first concerns about the social problems of living with robots arose with the term robot (1920), and in 1942 the writer Isaac Asimov defined the famous 'robot laws', disseminated worldwide through his renowned science-fiction proses. In the following lines we will try to analyze the respective laws seen from the perspective of current and especially future applicability in human society.
Keywords: literature; science-fiction; robots; autonomy; responsibility; morality; ethics; laws; norms;