Contributori / Contributors:
EON, vol. 4, nr. 2 / 2023
Raluca SOARE is lecturer at the Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences of
the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (Romania), where I carry out
teaching, research, guidance, and tutoring activities. Doctor of Philosophy
since 2009 at the Faculty of Philosophy, "Babeş Bolyai" University
Cluj-Napoca (Romania) with the thesis "Discourse and reality". The main fields
of interest, research, and specialization are discourse studies, organizational
communication, rhetoric, and social constructionism, reflected in studies such
as "Dimensions of Discourse", "Avatars of Knowledge:
Mediatization", Object and Interpretation ", or "Marginal Thinking.
Knowledge and Communication in the Postmodern Era", "No need for the
needle. A qualitative analysis of the antivax movement in Romania".
Interrogative nature, showing solidarity in interpersonal relationships and
concern with the students' achievements.
DAVID is lecturer in the Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences of
the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (Romania), where I carry out
teaching and research. Doctor in philology in 2008 at the Faculty of Letters,
History and Journalism, of "Lucian Blaga" University, Sibiu (Romania)
obtaining the "Very Good" rating and the "Magna cum laude"
distinction. The main areas of interest, research, and specialization are the
communication sciences, the genres of the press in information journalism,
documentation in journalism, media criticism, linguistics, and press history,
reflected in studies such as "Marginal Thinking. Knowledge and
Communication in the Postmodern Era", "The powerful impact of the
social media over the field of lifelong learning", "The unity and the
unification of Language in the discussions of the Transylvanian press in the
19th century", "No need for the needle. A qualitative analysis of the
antivax movement in Romania". A sociable, receptive, empathetic person,
eager for continuous knowledge and perfection.
Petru DUNCA,
Professor, PhD, Department of Socio-Human Sciences, Theology, Arts, Faculty of
Letters, Northern University Center in Baia Mare: Doctoral School, coord.
Philosophy Department, Technical University of Cluj Napoca. He is the author of
four authored books: Ființă - Cunoaștere - Fericire la
gînditorii post- paninieni (2000), Eseuri
etnologice (2000), Repere în antropologia culturală a alimentației (2004), Introducere în filosofia Orientului antic (2005). Co-author of 11 books and over 45 specialized
studies in the field of philosophy, communication sciences, cultural
anthropology published in journals indexed in international databases. He
participated with scientific papers at over 40 international conferences and
four international ASPLF Congresses: Venice, Brussels, Iasi, Rabat. He has
published numerous articles in cultural magazines from Romania.
Dragoș DRAGOMAN, born in 1977, is PhD in Sociology, with a thesis on social capital and democratization. He is Associate Professor with the Department of Political Science, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, where he teaches Political Anthropology and Political Sociology. His main research interests focus on the sociology of religion, Orientalism, Eastern philosophy, and the anthropological analysis of political power.
Liliana DANCIU, PhD in Philology, with a thesis on the novel "The Forbidden Forest" by Mircea Eliade at "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia (2017), published under the title Romanul din roman: Noaptea de sânziene, de Mircea Eliade (The Novel in the novel: "The Forbidden Forest" by Mircea Eliade), București, Editura Ideea Europeană, 2017. For this study, she received the prize for debut in literary criticism from U.S.R. Sibiu (2018). Author of the preface to Aurel Gurghianu's poetry anthology and the afterword to Rodica Braga's poetry anthology, both published by the Romanian Academy Publishing House in 2019. Graduate the Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and History, Department of Philology, from the University of Craiova (1995). Master in Romanian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanistic and Social Studies at "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad (2013). High school teacher on Romanian Language and Literature department. Member of the Research Center "Speculum", Alba Iulia (since 2014). Author of the study Myth, song and ritual in the Modern World, in Rodica Gabriela Chira, Emilia Ivancu, Gabriela Chiciudean, Natalia Muntean editors, Myth, music and Ritual: approaches to comparative literature, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. She published articles and studies in various scientific and cultural journals, such as the "Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies", "Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica", "Incursiuni în imaginar", "Journal of Romanian Literary Studies", "TricTrac: Journal of World Mythology and Folklore", "Sæculum", "Gnosis", "Eon" etc. She has participated in several scientific sessions, colloquy, symposiums, etc. in Romania (Arad, Alba Iulia, Târgu Mureș etc.) and abroad (Rome).
Cristian PAȘCALĂU is a
lecturer PhD at the Department of Romanian Language and General Linguistics,
Faculty of Letters, University of Babeș-Bolyai, as well as a peer-review member
at Herald Publishing House, Bucharest. He published several studies on cultural
semiotics, the universes of discourse, prescriptive grammar of Romanian
language, lexicology, and semantics. One of his latest work is entitled Dicționarul metaforelor rebusiste (The Crossword Puzzle Metaphors Dictionary),
2022. His academic interests include: linguistics and philosophy of language,
cultural semiotics, lexicology, and semantics.
Rodica Ileana STAN (OLTEANU MOLDOVAN), born in 1973, teacher at "Regina
Maria" High School of Arts, Alba Iulia, PhD student at "1
Decembrie" University, Alba Iulia since 2021. In the last three years, the researcher has published
articles in the journals Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series
Philologica, Summa Paedagogica, and Journal of Romanian Literary Studies.
Her preferred topics are: short prose from the second half of the 20th century,
travel diaries of Romanian writers during the communist period and the history
of the Memorial of Sighetul Marmației. Currently, she is working on a doctoral
thesis titled "Romulus Rusan – Monographic Study".
Petru Adrian DANCIU, PhD in Philology with a thesis on the
Romanian folk tale at "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia (2018),
published under the title Demonologia basmului popular românesc. Motivul
zmeului, București: Editura Tracus Arte, 2019. Graduate the Faculty of
Letters, Philosophy and History, Department of Orthodox Theology, from the West
University of Timisoara (1999). Master in History and Philosophy of Religions,
Faculty of Orthodox Theology, "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad
(2009). Member of the "Speculum" Research Center of the Imaginary,
Alba Iulia (since 2015). Teacher. Author of the volume Teologia numelor
divine. Egiptul Antic ("The Theology of Divine Names. The ancient
Egypt") 2005. Author of the study "Mechanical Musicality of the Profane
and the Seduction of Sacredness", in Rodica Gabriela Chira, Emilia Ivancu,
Gabriela Chiciudean, Natalia Muntean editors, Myth, music and Ritual:
approaches to comparative literature, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.. He
has participated in national and international symposiums.
has been a Romanian language teacher since 2002, when she graduated from the
Faculty of Philology. She works at the High School of Arts "Regina Maria" in
Alba Iulia and she is currently doing her PhD at the University "1 Decembrie
1018" from Alba Iulia.
ROMAN is an Adjunct Professor PhD at the Department
of Romanian Language and General Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai
University. His academic interests include: Contemporary Romanian Language,
Normative Grammar, Semantics, Semiotics, Linguistics.
SZABO is a
Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Communication Sciences
of the West University of Timişoara, Romania. In his research work, he touches
upon subjects such as the relation between writers and journalists and
political power, the involvement of mass-media in democratization, and changes
in journalism in the age of digital media. He is the author of the following
books: Libertate și comunicare în lumea
presei, Un alt Slavici. O geografie
publicistică după gratii, The Facts in the Case of E. A. Poe, Sindromul Timişoara 1989: Adevăr şi imaginar, and Revoluţia din 1989 în spitalele timişorene.
Ioan GHERGHEL is PhD in Philosophy, associate lecturer at Faculty of Letters, Baia Mare
Northern University Centre, Technical University of Cluj Napoca. He published
the volume Forms of televisual
manipulation (Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2009) and several studies in research
fields such as philosophy, communication theory and security studies. He also
worked as an analyst in the field of national security.