Contributori / Contributors:
EON, vol. 5, nr. 2 / 2024
DR. FEE-ALEXANDRA HAASE is a PhD holder from the University of Tuebingen, Germany, with research interests spanning across rhetoric, communication, and media, as well as the history of language, culture, and the arts. Dr. Haase had several appointments as a professorial faculty member at international universities, most recently as an Associate Professor at United International College in Zhuhai, China, in media and communication, at the University of Nizwa, Oman, and at Cyprus International University. Dr. Haase taught courses in the fields of communication and media, language and literature, and culture and the arts. Her research profile can be accessed via Google Scholar. Many of her monographic works are published online at the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Recently published: "Beyond Mona Lisa's Smile: A Theoretical Approach to the Persuasion of Likeness in the Digital Image in the Age of Machine Learning Algorithms." Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication 5 (2022/2023): 157-173; "Logos and Prediction. Human Speech in Reasoning and Computation of Man-Machine Interaction." Ostium. Journal of Humanities 18.4 (2022): 1-23; and "Speaking One's Mind: The Sign as Subject of Interpretation in the Semiotics in Manuscripts of Charles S. Peirce between the Theories of Rhetoric and Communication. In: Semiotica. Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 245. (2022): 1-15.
ADRIAN BADEA is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Craiova and, currently, a master's student in Medieval Studies at the University of Bucharest. He published the studies Lucian Blaga and baroque aesthetics (Lucian Blaga și estetica barocului), for which he received the Adrian Marino prize offered by Aius Publishing House and the magazine Mozaicul and Reminiscences medievale in the work of Doina Ruști (Reminiscenț medievale în opera Doinei Ruști). He also collaborates in various cultural magazines, such as Mozaicul, Ficțiunea OPTm, Écritures de Jeunesse AUF, etc., where he publishes chronicles, reviews and prose.
CRISTIAN PAȘCALĂU is a lecturer dr. at the Department of Romanian Language and General Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, University of Babeș-Bolyai, as well as a peer-review member at Herald Publishing House, Bucharest. He published several studies on cultural semiotics, the universes of discourse, prescriptive grammar of Romanian language, lexicology, and semantics. One of his latest work is entitled Dicționarul metaforelor rebusiste (The Crossword Puzzle Metaphors Dictionary), 2022. His academic interests include: linguistics and philosophy of language, cultural semiotics, lexicology, and semantics.
MARIUS C. CUCU graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy, with a master's degree in Interpretative theories and practices and PhD in philosophy with the thesis "Atemporality in Emil Cioran's thinking", all these degrees being granted by the Al.I Cuza University of Iaşi . Since 2007 he has been working as an assistant professor, respectively a lecturer at the Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava. He published in the last 20 years 70 papers (10 of them are books). Some published works: The eclipse of the horizon, (Junimea, Iaşi, 2003), Cioran and the exodus towards eternity, (Junimea, Iaşi, 2007), Oscillations in abstract, (Institutul European, Iaşi, 2008), The active transcendence, (Institutul European, Iaşi, 2010), Introductive references to phenomenology, (Junimea, Iaşi, 2010). He is a member of editorial boards of specialty publications, the co-editor of internationally indexed specialty publications.
OANA E. LENȚA holds a Bachelor degree in Psychology, a Master's in Social Auditing and a PhD in Moral Philosophy. She works as associate lecturer at Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. Her publications include in the last 10 years about 50 scholarly articles as author or co-author published in academic journals or collective volumes in Romania or abroad, and a book entitled "The Moral Behavior: Jungian Interrogations". (Cluj University Press, 2020) From the approached subject matters and topics of interest we name but a few, such as the ethics, psychoanalysis, human development, behavioral sciences, artificial intelligence and mind.
VIORELLA MANOLACHE, Scientific Researcher III, Ph.D., at the "Ion I.C. Brătianu" Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations (ISPRI), Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania. Author of numerous articles, studies, coordinator of international collective volumes – the most recent being: Philosophical-Political Hecate-isms. The Rule of Three, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016; Ecce Philosophia Politica. "Diferenţa" lui Roberto Esposito – Ecce Philosophia Politica. Roberto Esposito`s "Difference", ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016; with Ian Browne, Orwell – Intelectualul anti-intelectual – Orwell, the anti-intellectual intellectual, ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017 and Political Philosophy in Motion.*mkv, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017; with Ian Browne, Orwell – un bestiar socialist al capitalismului – Orwell – a Socialist bestiary of Capitalism, ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2020.
DRAGOȘ DRAGOMAN, born in 1977, is PhD in Sociology, with a thesis on social capital and democratization. He is Associate Professor with the Department of Political Science, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, where he teaches Political Anthropology and Political Sociology. His main research interests focus on the sociology of religion, Orientalism, Eastern philosophy, and the anthropological analysis of political power.
ALI BOUZEKRI is a professor at the University of Ibn Khaldoun in Algeria, where he has been working since 2010. He holds a Ph.D. in language sciences and has dedicated his academic career to research in this field. His research focuses on discourse analysis and conversation analysis, with a particular interest in argumentation in discourse. Additionally, Bouzekri Ali is passionate about French history and civilization, and he is committed to studying its cultural aspects.
LUCIAN-VASILE SZABO is a Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Communication Sciences of the West University of Timişoara, Romania. In his research work, he touches upon subjects such as the relation between writers and journalists and political power, the involvement of mass-media in democratization, and changes in journalism in the age of digital media. He is the author of the following books: Libertate și comunicare în lumea presei, Un alt Slavici. O geografie publicistică după gratii, The Facts in the Case of E. A. Poe, Sindromul Timişoara 1989: Adevăr şi imaginar, and Revoluţia din 1989 în spitalele timişorene.
MIRELA DINU, born in 1996, is a PhD student at the National University of Arts in Bucharest. She has a bachelor's degree in Art History and Theory (with the thesis "The Image of the Romanian Peasant in Romanian Painting from the End of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century" - 2018) and a master's degree in Contemporary Curatorial Practices (with the thesis "Digital Communication in Art Museums in Romania" - 2020) at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca. Since 2018, following an internship at Quinta del Sordo in Madrid, Spain, her research interests have focused on digital communication in art museums, Museum 2.0, museum branding, cultural marketing, and social media as tools for cultural communication.
ROBERTO-ALEXANDER SMARANDACHE, born in 1987, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, having two Master's Degrees: Master in EUROPEAN LAW, but also Master in DOCUMENTARY TEACHER. He participated to the following scientific communications: The scientific session "Unity, continuity and independence in the history of the Romanian people. 103 years since the Great Union (1918 - 2021)" - Alba Iulia, 2021. Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students - Bucharest, 2023. Passionate about history, he is a PhD student at the "George Barițiu" Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch. The current occupation is librarian at the "ASTRA" County Library in Sibiu, having a good relationship with the reading public, understanding and promptly solving it's thematic needs.