Contributori / Contributors:
EON, vol. 4, nr. 1 / 2023
Viorella MANOLACHE, Scientific Researcher III, Ph.D., "Ion I.C. Brătianu" Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania. Author of numerous articles, studies, coordinator of international collective volumes – the most recent being: Philosophical-Political Hecate-isms. The Rule of Three, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016; Ecce Philosophia Politica. "Diferenţa" lui Roberto Esposito – Ecce Philosophia Politica. Roberto Esposito`s "Difference", ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016; with Ian Browne, Orwell – Intelectualul anti-intelectual – Orwell, the Anti-intellectual Intellectual, ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017 and Political Philosophy in Motion.*mkv, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017; (eds. with Dan Dungaciu) 100 Years since the Great Union of Romania, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019; with Ian Browne, Orwell – un bestiar socialist al capitalismului – Orwell – a Socialist Bestiary of Capitalism, ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2020.
Dragoș DRAGOMAN, born in 1977, is PhD in Sociology, with a thesis on social capital and democratization. He is Associate Professor with the Department of Political Science, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, where he teaches Political Anthropology and Political Sociology. His main research interests focus on the sociology of religion, Orientalism, Eastern philosophy, and the anthropological analysis of political power.
Liliana DANCIU, PhD in Philology, with a thesis on the novel "The Forbidden Forest" by Mircea Eliade at "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia (2017), published under the title Romanul din roman: Noaptea de sânziene, de Mircea Eliade (The Novel in the novel: "The Forbidden Forest" by Mircea Eliade), București, Editura Ideea Europeană, 2017. For this study, she received the prize for debut in literary criticism from U.S.R. Sibiu (2018). Author of the preface to Aurel Gurghianu's poetry anthology and the afterword to Rodica Braga's poetry anthology, both published by the Romanian Academy Publishing House in 2019. Graduate the Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and History, Department of Philology, from the University of Craiova (1995). Master in Romanian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanistic and Social Studies at "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad (2013). High school teacher on Romanian Language and Literature department. Member of the Research Center "Speculum", Alba Iulia (since 2014). Author of the study Myth, song and ritual in the Modern World, in Rodica Gabriela Chira, Emilia Ivancu, Gabriela Chiciudean, Natalia Muntean editors, Myth, music and Ritual: approaches to comparative literature, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. She published articles and studies in various scientific and cultural journals, such as the "Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies", "Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica", "Incursiuni în imaginar", "Journal of Romanian Literary Studies", "TricTrac: Journal of World Mythology and Folklore", "Sæculum", "Gnosis", "Eon" etc. She has participated in several scientific sessions, colloquy, symposiums, etc. in Romania (Arad, Alba Iulia, Târgu Mureș etc.) and abroad (Rome).
Cristian PAȘCALĂU is a
lecturer PhD at the Department of Romanian Language and General Linguistics,
Faculty of Letters, University of Babeș-Bolyai, as well as a peer-review member
at Herald Publishing House, Bucharest. He published several studies on cultural
semiotics, the universes of discourse, prescriptive grammar of Romanian
language, lexicology, and semantics. One of his latest work is entitled Dicționarul metaforelor rebusiste (The Crossword Puzzle Metaphors Dictionary),
2022. His academic interests include: linguistics and philosophy of language,
cultural semiotics, lexicology, and semantics.
ROMAN is an Adjunct Professor PhD at the Department
of Romanian Language and General Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai
University. His academic interests include: Contemporary Romanian Language,
Normative Grammar, Semantics, Semiotics, Linguistics.
Ecaterina ACHIMESCU is a Romanian language and literature
Teacher and a PhD student at the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest.
Her areas of research are interwar literature, women's literature, postmodern
literature and philosophy.
Teodor VIDAM, in his five decades of academic activity, has
participated to many conferences (even at the Romanian Academy), communications
and lectures at various scientific and cultural events on the moral philosophy
and he has published books, articles and essays in specialized journals such as
Revista de filosofie. Another dimension of Teodor Vidam's writings
highlights his poetic talent. He is not among those who make noise for nothing
or for something valuable, but among those who, with great discretion, let
their heart be heard in the chest of time and in the reader's senses. As a
philosopher of morality, Teodor Vidam takes a stand against "pocket
ethics", and as a poet he carries his words to pure hearts. In 2009, the
researcher has received The Prize "Ion Petrovici", offered by the Romanian
Academy for the book Dimensiuni ale eticii comunicării, Cluj-Napoca:
Editura Casa Cărții de Științe, 2007.
Veron DOBROSHI, scientific
researcher, Ph.D. Candidate in the University of Pristina, Faculty of
Philology, Department of Literature. Teaching Assistant at University of
Prizren "Ukshin Hoti". Author of numerous articles and studies. Some
of the studies are: Narrative as therapy, Philip Roth's novel "Portnoy's
Complaint" (Symbol, 2019), The Novel of Irony and Black Humor, Comparative
Study of Kurt Vonnegut's Novel "Breakfast of Champions" (Beder
University Journal of Educational Sciences, 2021), Kongoli's Characters
(Symbol, 2021), and more. He is a systematic researcher of Albanian
contemporary literature, comparative literature, mythology, narratology, and
Eduard-Claudiu GROSS is a
Ph.D. student at the Doctoral School of Communication, PR, and Advertising,
Faculty of Political, Administrative, and Communication Science, within the
"Babeș-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, with a particular interest
in researching the digital space and the impact of emerging technology on the
individual. His areas of research interest are photography, digital
disinformation, and philosophy.
Mircea BĂDUȚ is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of
Craiova. He wrote eleven computer science books. He has written over four
hundred technical-scientific articles for magazines in Romania and in Europe. Short prose and essays published in various periodicals and publications. He
wrote five prose books (fictions and essays).
XINGYAN-HUANG is a Master of Public
Administration at Macau University of Science and Technology. She is interested
in the fields of religion, cross-cultural communication and public policy
Maria SINACI is a lecturer at "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad and associate
researcher at the Institute for Social and Political Research, West University
of Timișoara. She has a PhD in Philosophy, and the fields of interest are
applied ethics, philosophy of religion, neuroethics, transhumanism. Maria
Sinaci is a member of national and international organizations (International
Association of Ethics Education, European Society for Moral Philosophy etc.). The researcher's works have been
published in journals and books in the country and abroad. The most recently
book is Bioetica și ameliorarea umană. O perspectivă
filosofică [Bioethics and Human Enhancement. A Philosophical
Perspective], printed in 2021.
Gabriel HASMAȚUCHI is a lecturer at "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and has a PhD in philosophy at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Doctoral School of Philosophy of the North University Center of Baia Mare). The researcher's fields of interest are philosophy, journalism, literature, religion, intercultural communication, and ethics. His doctoral thesis refers to the Philosophical Structures in the writings of Nichifor Crainic. His works - literary, scientific and didactic - have been published in journals and books in the country and abroad. Between 2016 and 2020, the author was editor-in-chief of Sæculum journal. Starting with 2017, Gabriel Hasmațuchi is a member of the Romanian Writers' Union - Sibiu Branch. Currently, the essayist runs Eon journal - a recently established publication.