- RALUCA SOARE, ANCA-ELENA DAVID : Frameworks of Archaic and Traditional Thinking / 177
- PETRU DUNCA: Bhartrhari's Language Philosophy
Linguistic Monism / 196
DRAGOMAN: Empirism, pozitivism și post-kantianism în
înțelegerea fizicii cuantice / 204
- LILIANA DANCIU: Absolutul – "ultima frontieră" a cunoașterii / 219
PAȘCALĂU: Paradox și
ironie în aforismele lui Stanislaw Jerzy Lec / 230
- RODICA ILEANA STAN (OLTEANU MOLDOVAN): Scriitorul Romulus Rusan, călător prin labirintul mediteraneean: demitizare și remitizare / 246
- PETRU ADRIAN DANCIU: Aspecte ale interpretării răului în literatură / 257
PAȘCALĂU: "Cuvinte
risipite" pe altarul amintirii / 266
JURCOVEȚ: În căutarea alternativului și conștiința celei-mai-bune-dintre-lumile-posibile. Surprizele literaturii Fantasy / 271
ROMAN: Sintagma – relaționalitate sintactică
sau categorială? / 278
SZABO: Informație și fapt în comunicare / 289
- IOAN GHERGHEL: Comunicare și confruntare între structurile puterii / 299
DRAGOMAN.:Despre naufragiul civilizațiilor / 318
Frameworks of Archaic and Traditional Thinking
Raluca SOARE
Anca-Elena DAVID
Eon, 4 (2), 2023, 177-195
Abstract: Approaching this topic appears as a necessity at a time when the loss of simple meanings is felt more and more acutely, hence the numerous confusions and sterile discussions about the archaic, mythical, wild, prelogical, unhistorical, etc. These discussions automatically place archaic thinking [1] in an outdated spiritual phase of the human gender, which stirs a kind smile, at its best. Constantly subjected to an empirical-neutral approach and strictly horizontal observation, archaic thought is regarded as a primitive form of science and religion, a kind of childhood of thought that has not yet reached the maturity of knowledge and understanding.
Keywords: anthropology; knowledge; archaic; myth;
traditional; transcendence.
Chicago Style:
Soare, Raluca, & David, Anca-Elena. "Frameworks of Archaic and Traditional Thinking." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 177-195.
APA7 Style:
Soare, R., & David, A.-E. (2023). Frameworks of Archaic and Traditional Thinking . Eon, 4(2), 177-195.
Bhartrhari's Language Philosophy Linguistic Monism
Eon, 4 (2), 2023, 196-203
Abstract: Indian way of thinking from a metaphysical and religious perspective examines language in connection with thinking. Grammarians have found ways to define the essence of the Word, thus building up Grammar and Language Philosophy.Panini's grammar reviews not only basic linguistic structures, but also Man's intrinsic pattern. Panini's followers, especially Bhartrhari, reveal a soteriological dimension of grammar.This philosophical trait of the Word on which Sphota theory is based indicates that the mere Sphota represents the basic structure of consciousness. Sphota concept lies at the heart of contemporary Language Philosophy.
Keywords: Indian Philosophy; Grammar; Language; Bhartrhari; Sphota.
Chicago Style:
Dunca, Petru. "Bhartrhari's Language Philosophy Linguistic Monism." Eon 4, no. 1 (November 1, 2023): 196-203.
APA7 Style:
Dunca, P. (2023). Bhartrhari's Language Philosophy Linguistic Monism
. Eon, 4(2), 196-203.
Empirism, pozitivism și post-kantianism în înțelege-rea fizicii cuantice
Eon, 4 (2), 2023, 204-218
Title: Empiricism, Positivism and Post-Kantianism in Understanding Quantum Physics
Abstract:The entry of modern scientific research of the physical nature into the realm of the atom triggered a shock of an unprecedented magnitude. Besides the hopes and expectations of those researchers oriented towards a scientific theory in accordance with the previous standards of inquiry of the classical physics, the classical concepts were not sufficient anymore in describing the new reality. In the words of the researchers involved in the epochal discovery of the new atom model, as Bohr and Heisenberg, the new discovery points towards the necessity to adapt or to limit the use of older physical concepts. Although they are not sufficient anymore, physical science does not dispose of a new brand vocabulary. The entry of the research deep into the heart of atom brings new philosophical questions, which pertain to objectivity, fixed external reality, and distant observation. The fact that physical scientists merely avoided more complex philosophical investigations into the new scientific context seemed to have worked for the general orientation of the new sub-field towards more practical applications.
Keywords: quantum mechanics; positivism; scientific inquiry; Kantianism; scientific revolutions.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. "Empirism, pozitivism și post-kantianism în înțelegerea fizicii cuantice." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 204-218.
APA7 Style:
Dragoman, D. (2023). Empirism, pozitivism și post-kantianism în înțelegerea fizicii cuantice. Eon, 4(2), 204-218.
Absolutul – "ultima frontieră" a cunoașterii
Liliana DANCIU
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 219-229
Title: Absolute – the "last frontier" of human knowlwdge
Abstract: In the volume of essays "The Absolute - from disintegration to reconstruction", the theorist and thinker Mircea Braga starts from the considerations of the philosopher George Steiner about the "disintegration" of the old existential platform of humanity, based on a mythical knowledge of man and of the universe. The new existential platform absolutizes human reason and proclaims the "death of God," to promote social and ideological mythologies that promised earthly heaven. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, the Absolute is reconstructed with the help of science that ascertains the infinity of worlds that make up the universe. Neurosurgery proves the existence of the soul and quantum physics proclaims the validity of multiple worlds beyond the limits of our perception. Including the "world beyond"! The Absolute is "reconstructed", therefore, on scientific bases, consolidating itself both theoretically and spiritually. Mircea Braga captures the way of coagulation of the concept of the possible world in the prosaic and poetic, religious and analytical imaginary, by appealing to scientific studies and literary texts from the Romanian cultural space.
Keywords: imaginary; possible worlds; absolute; culture; science.
Chicago Style:
Danciu, Liliana. „Absolutul - ultima frontieră a cunoașterii.” Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 219-229.
APA7 Style:
Danciu, L. (2023). Absolutul - ultima frontieră a cunoașterii. Eon, 4(2), 219-229.
Paradox și
ironie în aforismele lui Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 230-245
Title: Paradoxe and Irony in Stanislaw Jerzy Lec's Aphorisms
Abstract: The present study aims at discussing the way in which Stanislaw Jerzy Lec's moral and philosophical thought unfolds in aphoristic manner. His wide acclaimed volume entitled "Unkept Thoughts" grasps, often in a sarcastic, but offbeat and painstaking manner, the fundamental social, political, economical, and spiritual paradoxes of our times. Taking into account the author's propensity for wordplay, we analyze paradoxe and irony as main lexical and semantic strategies nurturing his aphoristic work.
Keywords: Stanislaw Jerzy Lec; aphorism; paradox; irony; wordplay; humour; figurative meaning.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, Cristian. "Paradox și ironie în aforismele lui Stanislaw Jerzy Lec." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 230-245.
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2023). Paradox și ironie în aforismele lui Stanislaw Jerzy Lec. Eon, 4(2), 230-245.
Scriitorul Romulus Rusan, călător prin labirintul mediteraneean: demitizare și remitizare
Rodica Ileana STAN (OLTEANU
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 246-256
Title: The writer Romulus Rusan - traveler through the Mediterranean labyrinth: demythologizing and remythologizing
Abstract: Mythology represents a complex heritage that has underpinned the collective cultural imaginary since antiquity, identifiable in all art forms. Cultural travelers will consciously or unconsciously exploit this cultural heritage in an inevitable confrontation of places steeped in history and mythical history with the reality discovered on the ground. The myth of the labyrinth is transfigured in travel memoirs in the works of writers such as Romulus Rusan - A Journey to the Inner Sea, Zoe Dumitrescu-Bușulenga - Humanistic Periplu, Octavian Paler - Caminante. Through comparative analysis and by referring to the history of religions, the aim of the analysis is to decode the meanings of the journey, theme and pretext of the writers of the second half of the 20th century, in order to identify the reflections of creative spirits in confrontation with mythologically consecrated spaces. The permanent oscillation between demythologizing and remythologizing in the lands of Greek, Islamic and Egyptian civilizations is a natural process for the writers Ana Blandiana and Romulus Rusan, in the trilogy A Journey to the Inner Sea, bearers of a light universe, passionate about myths, deities and legends.
Keywords: mythology; history of religions; literary analysis; demythologizing; remythologizing.
Chicago Style:
Stan (Olteanu-Moldovan), Rodica Ileana. "Scriitorul Romulus Rusan, călător prin labirintul mediteraneean: demitizare și remitizare." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 246-256.
APA7 Style:
Stan (Olteanu-Moldovan), R. L. (2023). Scriitorul Romulus Rusan, călător prin labirintul mediteraneean: demitizare și remitizare. Eon, 4(2), 246-256.
Aspecte ale interpretării răului în literatură
Petru Adrian DANCIU
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 257-265
Title: Aspects of the interpretation of evil in literature
Abstract: The main problem in the perception of metaphysical evil, as related to us by the various religious traditions, appears when the author of a literary work tries to customize it to be aesthetically received. To this "internal" aspect is added an "external" one of a mentalistic, tributary nature, specific to the cultural-historical era in which it arose. The author of the present study succeeds in deepening this aspect to decipher part of the mechanisms capable of favoring the process of translating evil from the religious to the literary plane, reaching the simplistic version of the exposition of evil, the secular playful and, why not, atheistic.
Keywords: The Evil; unbrother; branch; folk tale; ludic.
Chicago Style:
Danciu, Petru Adrian. "Aspecte ale interpretării răului în literatură." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 257-265.
APA7 Style:
Danciu, P.A. (2023). Aspecte ale interpretării răului în literatură
. Eon, 4(2), 257-265.
"Cuvinte risipite" pe altarul amintirii
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 266-270
Title: "Scattered Words" on the Altar of Remembrance
Abstract: The present review is meant to emphasize Elena Dârțu's mythopoetic universe, as it unfolds in its comprehensive volume entitled "Scattered Words". Memory over oblivion, good over evil, light over darkness, a celebration of nature over suffocating urbanization, tradition over modern dismantling of individuals and society, global issues such as pollution, war, climate change are the main coordinates of this universe. While the poetic self-embarks into a journey of vivid introspection, a cluster of mystery unfolds and shapes the ineffable frailty of life.
Keywords: Elena Dârțu; poetry; metaphor; memory; tradition; nature.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, Cristian. "Cuvinte risipite pe altarul amintirii." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 266-270.
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2023). Cuvinte risipite pe altarul amintirii. Eon, 4(2), 266-270.
În căutarea alternativului și conștiința celei-mai-bune-dintre-lumile-posibile. Surprizele literaturii Fantasy
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 271-277
Title: Themes of Fantasy Literature in Search of the Alternative and the Consciousness of the Best of Possible Worlds
Abstract: The models of our imaginary belong exclusively, at least we think so, to archetypes, to which we attribute or, on the contrary, we erase from the ancestral pattern unique elements of a personal character. For example, how many times have we heard the phrase: "I've been through hell"? Then I listened to personal representations of Hell, which were loss of a loved one, illness, helplessness, poverty, defamation, loneliness, anxiety, pain. On the other hand, "we have found the perfect being" and its description does not correspond to our expectations either physically or morally, because we have become familiar with some patterns, with the conventional, the usual, and if we move the border a millimeter away, we are guilty of ideological abuse. Parallel to these individual images of a personal character, we find those established in art, no matter in which of its branches. Just as we relate to the episodes in the spatial-temporal coordinates that we witness with or without our will, we have the freedom to identify the worldly ill or to restore the good, through catharsis, by appealing to the imagination and the imaginary. The most important way we can be rescued, at least if we refer to the soul, is through art.
Keywords: Fantasy; art; music; space; symbol.
Chicago Style:
Jurcoveț, Alice. "În căutarea alternativului și conștiința celei-mai-bune-dintre-lumile-posibile. Surprizele literaturii Fantasy." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 271-277.
APA7 Style:
Jurcoveț, A. (2023). În căutarea alternativului și conștiința celei-mai-bune-dintre-lumile-posibile. Surprizele literaturii Fantasy. Eon, 4(2), 271-277.
Sintagma – relaționalitate sintactică sau categorială?
Valentin ROMAN
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 278-288
Title: The Syntagm – syntactical or categorical relationality?
Abstract: Our paper aims at presenting a controversial outlook on the syntactical/ syntagmatic model stated by D.D. Drașoveanu, based on the so-called "relational meaning", starting from a work of Mircea Minică, Semantica relației în limba română (2018), in which the author considers that the terms of a syntagm are relational in themselves (i.e. "categorical relationality") and not as a result of an external relation (i.e. "relational meaning").
Keywords: syntagm; relation; relational meaning; categorical meaning; flective; connector.
Chicago Style:
Roman, Valentin. "Sintagma – relaționalitate sintactică sau categorială?." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 278-288.
APA7 Style:
Roman, V. (2023). Sintagma – relaționalitate sintactică sau categorială?. Eon, 4(2), 278-288.
Informație și fapt în comunicare
Lucian-Vasile SZABO
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 289-298
Title: Information and fact in communication
Abstract: Human communication means the transmission of informational content from one person to another. Information can be powerful, new, interesting, but we often encounter messages with quite limited informational content, with a limited area of interest, where often factual elements are combined with speculation or even fiction, lying also being a constant of communication. Everyone communicates, and specialists in the field are few. The result of message exchange depends on many factors, from data quality to the professionalism of the sender and the disposition of the end receiver. Under these circumstances, professional communication can be successfully achieved when specialists in the field manage to avoid pitfalls arising on the route of information exchange. It all starts with collecting the information that will be contained in the message, in the communication product. The operation shall be carried out according to clear rules, in order to avoid or reduce distortions. The purpose of this study is to present the prerequisites for the information gathering process.
Keywords: newsgathering; communication; Philippides; informative detail; jounalistic sources.
Chicago Style:
Szabo, Lucian-Vasile. "Informație și fapt în comunicare." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 289-298.
APA7 Style:
Szabo, L.-V. (2023). Informație și fapt în comunicare. Eon, 4(2), 289-298.
Comunicare și confruntare între structurile puterii
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 299-317
Title: Communication and confrontation between the power structures
The nature of the relationship between
the state structures that administer power regardless of its political
determination and the ideological actions of political actors is not a very
frequent topic, this is because it is considered that there is no reaction of
public institutions and authorities to the actions of politicians or that the
relationship between the two levels of power is easy to harmonize. Political
action and the institutions of power are, as a rule, seen together as part of
the dialog with the public of politics, that is citizens or more precisely
civil society. Our approach highlights a less visible or commented aspects,
that of the dialogue between "political power" and "administrative power", in
other words, between the political formula of the government and the "deep
state", the latter more or less consolidated, having as a determining variable
the age and quality of democracy.
Keywords: communication; confrontation; governance; structures of power; public; democracy; communicative action.
Chicago Style:
Gherghel, Ioan. "Comunicare și confruntare între structurile puterii." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 299-317.
APA7 Style:
Gherghel, I. (2023). Comunicare și confruntare între structurile puterii. Eon, 4(2), 299-317.
Despre naufragiul civilizațiilor
Eon 4 (2) 2023, 318-327
Title: Adrift: How the World Lost Its Way
Abstract: The current situation of the Arab and Muslim world is of great concern for the entire mankind. And the causes of the turmoil, despair and violence are to be seen in the inappropriate interaction with the Western world. Not only the Western style of doing profit affected the more traditional and tranquil succession of generations, by shaking the foundations of those societies. Yet the Western powers interfered with internal issues by colonizing, partitioning territories, fueling local quarrels. They proposed ideologies and economic models that failed, due to their own rivalry during the Cold War. With the final defeat of socialism, radical Islamism turned out to be the more successful successor. Yet by fighting radicalism, Western societies opened the door to authoritarian methods of surveillance and control, censorship and repression, that make the democratic life impossible.
Keywords: Colonialism; Arab countries; History; Totalitarianism; Capitalism.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. "Despre naufragiul civilizațiilor." Eon 4, no. 2 (November 1, 2023): 318-327.
APA7 Style:
Dragoman, D. (2023). Despre naufragiul civilizațiilor. Eon, 4(2), 318-327.